Frequently asked questions about Kenya safaris

Frequently asked questions about Kenya safaris : Kenya is one of the most visited countries in East Africa for safaris. This country is known to actually receive the largest numbers of tourists in year compared to all the other East African countries. But why is this so? In this article we answer some of your whys, and may be by the time you are done reading this you will be ready to take on your Kenya Safari.

You should note though that these questions are gathered from some of our guests so they may not be representative of all of your concerns but we are sure they represent at least a percentage of your questions.

  1. How do you define a Kenya safari?

A Kenya safari is one that takes you through the plains and landscape of Kenya in the game parks and reserves to view the numerous wildlife species in Kenya.

  1. What wildlife do I expect to see in Kenya?

In Kenya, you expect to see a number of wildlife species, most notably the big five, lions, elephants, leopards, buffaloes, rhinos then the others hyenas, giraffes, zebras’ baboons, crocodiles and many more. The country is also a hub of birds for bird lovers in you are in a treat of over 1000 bird species across the country with the famous ones being the flamingos in Lake Nakuru National Park.

  1. What is the best month for a Kenya Safari?

The best month is any month of year in the dry season so we can safely say between June and October and between December and February.

  1. Is the great migration the same as game drive?

Absolutely not, the great migration is the activity that involves the moving of mainly the wildebeests, gazelles, antelopes and zebras; moving between Kenya and Tanzania. This migration happens on the border of the maasai mara game reserve and the Serengeti National Park. The game drive on the other hand is the activity you do in all parks to go and view the game or rather the wildlife in the park. On a game drive you see more than the wildebeest or the migrating animals. Hence, they are not the same.

  1. If I am to visit Kenya, which parks would give me the best safari?

The top national parks in Kenya you should try to visit in your visit to Kenya are Nairobi National Park, Maasai Mara Game Reserve, Amboseli National Park , Tsavo National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Samburu National park, Mt. Kenya National Park and others.

  1. What is a typical Kenya safari say like?

Well the answer to this question is relative because your safari days are entirely dependent on your pre- designed itinerary. However, we can guarantee that on your itinerary you will have activities like morning game drives, all day game drives, evening game drives, nature walks, community visits and leisure time among other things.

  1. Are Kenya safaris self-drives or do I need to hire a driver?

The Kenya safaris have both the self-drive option and the driver option, you choose what you like most. Sometimes its your tour operator who will decide for you though depending on where you will be having your safari from.

Frequently asked questions about Kenya safaris
Kenya wildlife viewing safari
  1. Are Kenya Safari safe?

Yes, the Kenya safaris are designed to be safe and they are safe.

  1. Is it easy to get food a Kenya safari?

Yes, it is, there are food eateries across the entire country and in the different safari facilities plus all these food facilities have local, continental and ala carte foods. So, worry not you will not suffer hunger at any moment we assure you.

  1. Are Kenya safaris good for children?

Absolutely these safaris are good and suitable for persons of all ages. So, don’t hesitate to come along with your children,

There are many more questions about Kenya safaris but these are the most common.

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