Tsavo East National Park attractions
Tsavo East National Park attractions
Tsavo East National Park attractions: Tsavo East National park is one of the oldest and largest national parks in Kenya. Its part of the great Tsavo national park that comprises of Tsavo west national park and Tsavo East national park. The park covers a total land area of 13,747 square kilometres. Its situated in the Semi-arid area which was formally called the Taru Desert. It was established in April 1948 together with its counterpart Tsavo west national park. The park is located near the famous town of Voi in Taita- Taveta County.
The size of the park harbors large number of Tsavo east national park attractions. This long list of attractions at the park has made the park one of the famous national parks in the country. Nicknamed as the Theatre of wildlife due to the large population of wildlife that are inhabited at the park.
The red dusty Elephants takes the popularity as they are seen in large herds spraying themselves with red dusty soils. They like to play at the blue crystal waters at Galana river.
Tsavo east national park is the land of wildlife experience due to its strongholds in the ecosystem. The park is covered by different habitants that are dominated by rocky vegetation as well as the open savannah grassland dotted with the Acacia trees. The riverine vegetation is found along the rivers at the park. The Tsavo east national park attractions are almost the same like those at Tsavo West national park. The little difference is around the topography of the two parks. Tsavo West is more mountainous as well as wetter compared to Tsavo East. The dryness of Tsavo east makes it the best game viewing destination among the two national parks. This has made the park the travellers choice where travellers enjoy great wildlife experience. The parks boosts for its overwhelming number of animals that ranges from the big cats like leopards, cheetahs. Lions to the small antelope species. The park is a home of the African big five (lions, leopards, Buffalo, Elephants and Rhinos) Other animals found at the park include hippos, giraffes, wildebeests, crocodiles, African wild Dogs, Hyenas, jackals, Zebras and others.
Below are some of the best Tsavo east national park attractions
Yatta Plateau
The Yatta Plateau is the longest lava flow not only in Kenya but entire world. It covers over 300 kilometres following the river banks of River Athi. The Yatta platea is one of the key Tsavo east national park attractions which most travellers want to see. The plateau was formed when the active Ol Donyo Sabuk Mountains erupted and the lava flowed out. Due to the flat topography of the park, it over flowed across the park. It solidified later and formed low lying rock surface termed as plateau. Sometimes the lions like camping around this area for sun bathing and also ambushing the prey which come to take water at the bare rocks.
Mudanda Rock
The Mudanda Rock is among the popular spots at Tsavo East National park. Its not only hiking destination but also a place for walking safaris. The rocks are located at the centre of the park where the travellers can have agood aerial views of the open savannah grassland. The rocks are dominated by the Yellow Baboons and the black faced monkeys which are also called the vervet monkey. The rock also plays a great role as water catchment areas where the animals come and quench their thirst especially during the dry seasons. The rocks are located near the Manyani gate. This is one of the Tsavo east national park attractions that are explored by the travellers during the safaris at the park.
Lugard Falls
This is the only water falls found at the great Galana river, it was named after the first European explore Fredrick Lugard. The water fall is formed along the Galana River when its flow was intercepted by the rocky surfaces at the park. The powerful falls is great sightseeing area, the travellers are allowed to hike to the top of the falls or view the falls from the bottom. This is one of the places to stop at during your safari at the park. It also contains some historical attachment which the driver guide tells you during your safari at Tsavo East national park. Are you a first time traveller, please donot miss the scenic views of the lugard falls.
Aruba Dam
This is artificially constructed dam that was purposely constructed by the Kenya Wildlife Service as water reserve. This dam is located few kilometres away from the Voi Gate. Its reserve water catchment area where animals come mostly during the dry season. The dam is hippo pool and best place to view hippos. This is the only Tsavo east national park attractions where guests enjoy wildlife viewing at close range. Most animals come here to cool themselves as well as quenching their thirst.
The remote location of the park and less crowns greatly contribute to the large number of bird species at this park. The park homes over 500 bird species that are easily viewed or listed during your trip at the park. Birders call the park one of the birding paradise. The untapped habitants with quite environment has made birding one of the key activity done at this park. Even first time birders will get the guts to do birding after achieveing the g=long birding list within a small period of time. The park is also found along the migratory routes of most of the European birds hence taking chance to rest at the park before they continue with their journey. Some of the bird list include: Starlings, Kestrels, Ostriches, Buzzards, Weaver birds, Horn bills, Kingfishers, Herons, Secretary bird. Lovebirds, Doves, common bul bul, Little egret, Harmer kop, open bill stork, crown cranes and others. Birding is best done during the rainy season when birds are breeding, Its also during the rainy season that the migratory birds have a stop at the park.
Animals are the dominant Tsavo east national park attractions. The park is regarded as one of the world’s remote wilderness with high population of animals. However much the park is famous of the large population of the red dusty Elephants and the man eating lions, the park has more than that. The park has all the five members of the African big Five (Lions, leopards, Elephants, Rhinos and Buffalo) The park has a record of population of over 675 lions. Other animals at the park include: The cheetahs, hyenas, bushbaby, dik-dik, civet, African wildcat, duiker, gazelles, zebras, hippos, crocodiles, Hyrax, impala, jackals, Mongoose, African hunting dogs, Eland and many more.

Game viewing is done any time of the year due to its favourable climatic conditions. The animals dominates the Tsavo east national park attractions that attracts almost 90% of the travellers to the park.