Tsavo National Park Ecosystem 2022
Tsavo National Park Ecosystem 2022 : Tsavo national park is one of the oldest and largest park in Kenya at 13,747 square kilometres, it is situated in a semi-arid area previously known as the Taru Desert, it opened in April 1984, and is located near the town of Voi in the Taita Taveta county of the former coast province in Kenya Safaris.
Ecosystem of Tsavo National Park.
Ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. Tsavo national park has got various ecosystems which includes the animals, birds, plants, lakes, swamps, rivers and among others and how they survive together. Tsavo national park is considered one of the world’s biodiversity strongholds.
Tsavo National park forms the largest protected area in Kenya and is home of the larger mammals, vast herds of dust-red elephant, rhino, buffalo, loin, leopard, pods of hippo, crocodile, waterbucks, lesser Kudu, gerenuk and among many other animal species.
These animals in Tsavo National Park, this ecosystem is its natural habitat, this is where the basic needs of the organism to survive are met food, water, shelter from the weather and place to breed its young. All organisms need to adopt to their habitat to be able to survive. All animals that live in Tsavo national park are able to survive in the park because of the reliable supply of food, water, shelter that is most of the animals feed on the shrubs, trees, presence of water within the park which makes them to survive and live in the suitable environment.

Birds in Tsavo National Park.
Birds in Tsavo national park are over 500 species of birds, these birds are interacted by park being to the coastal area, which makes the birds to breed especially those which leave around the coast also birds with in the park are favoured with open savannah grassland to the roughed mountainous vegetation, thick vegetation which provides shelter to the bird species in the park for exmple like the Ngulia Hills in the park which makes the bird ringers make an annual pilgrimage here between October and January,Ngulia is the site of Africa’s foremost bird-ringing to enable individual bird identification.
Some of the bird species in Tsavo national park includes the Somalia Ostrich, Martial Eagle, Anhinga rufa, African Fylfot, Casmerodius albas, Lesser Kestrel, Red-billed parrot, Fischer’ sarling, Golden Pipit, Rufous chatter, Taita fiscal, Maasai ostrich, Secretary bird, Vultures, Common bul bul, Hamer kop, Little egret and among others.
Also aquatic birds come up to the shores of the cost for breeding hence making an added advantage to the park, also migratory birds especially the European birds that come to the park to escape from their winter season when they come they proceed to the coast they always break their flight at the park spending some time such bird species include the Collared Sand Martin, Barn Swallows, European Bee-eater, Common Swift, White Stork, Common Cuckoo and among others.
Plants in Tsavo National Park
Tsavo National park has 1000 plant species that these include the common shrubs like species of Premna, Bauhinia and Sericocomopsis and scattered trees such as Delonix elate and Melia Volkensii.The Yatta plateau has a cover of dense bushland, with stands of Baobab (Ansonia digitate).
The plants in tsavo national park has the requirements that helps the plants to adopt and survive in the park forexample the presence of light, availability of water, the possible nutrients at times these are provided from the animal’s wastes which also contributes the growth of such plants in Tsavo national park, the space in the park also favours the plants to grow all these factors makes the plants to survive and reproduce in the park.
Swamps In Tsavo National Park.
Swamps are areas of land permanently saturated, filled, with water, swamps are dominated by trees. There are several types of swamps that is Cyress, Freshwater or inland and saltwater swamps also saltwater are usually found along coastal areas.
There are some swamps that are found in Tsavo national park for example life Kanderi and Saiwa swamps in the park. Swamps are among the most valuable ecosystems on earth, the act like giant sponges or reservoirs. When it rains heavily it causes floods, swamps and other wetlands absorb excess water, moderating the effects of flooding, also swamps also protect coastal area from storm surges that can wash away fragile coastline thus Tsavo National Park Ecosystem 2022.

What makes swamps to survive in Tsavo National park.
Swamps have spongy bodies which helps them to store the water in themselves, that’s during dry seasons the swamps can be able to with stand the condition. Swamps can survive in every condition as in terms of poor nutrient soils and acidic soils which makes them to survive in the park.
Forests In Tsavo National Park.
There are forests with in the tsavo national park for example like Kibwezi forest, Murtha forest, Mutiluni forest and among others are found in the park. Due to the favorite conditions in the park the forests are able to survive the environment for example the water, nutrients, presence of light in the park has made the trees to grow in the park which also acts as habitats of some animal and bird species in the Tsavo national park.
Rivers In Tsavo National Park.
There are some rivers in Tsavo National park for example the Athi river, rivers carry water and nutrients to areas to the parts of the park, rivers also play a big role in the water cycle that is helps in rainfall formation. Rivers also provide excellent habitat and food for many of the organism, that is animals, birds and plants in the park.
Lakes in Tsavo National Park.
Forexample Lake Jipe in Tsavo West National park, the lakes survive by being the bowl-shaped depressions in the Earth’s surface, when glaciers melt water fills the depressions and the lakes get formed which also helps them to survive and also acts as habitats of various species in the park thus Tsavo National Park Ecosystem 2022.
Tsavo National Park is considered as one of the world’s biodiversity strongholds, and its popularity is mostly due to the vast amounts of diverse wildlife that can be seen, including the wildlife, birds, rivers, lakes, swamps, forests, plants and among others.